ISO 37001

ISO 37001:2016 is a standard that specifies requirements and provides guidance for establishing, implementing, maintaining, reviewing and improving an anti-corruption management system.
The consequences of corruption disproportionately affect the most vulnerable people in society. Widespread corruption deters investment, weakens economic growth and undermines the rule of law.
The management system for anti-corruption can be independent or integrated into an overall management system for quality etc.
"The ISO 37001 standard addresses the following in relation to the organization's activities:
Corruption in public, private and non-profit organisations
Corruption from the organization
Corruption by the organization's personnel or business associates who act on the organization's behalf or for its benefit
Corruption of the organization, its personnel or business relations in relation to the organization's activities
Indirect corruption (eg a bribe offered or accepted through or by a third party)
ISO 37001 only applies to corruption. It sets out requirements and provides guidance for a management system designed to help an organization prevent, detect and respond to corruption and comply with anti-corruption laws and voluntary obligations that apply to its activities.The organization can choose to expand the scope of the management system to include activities relevant to the industry."
Implementation of a management system according to ISO 37001 can have both internal and external effects on your organisation. Examples may be;
Internal Effects:
- Prevention of corruption
- Increased awareness among management and personnel
- Structured approach in work against corruption.
- Reduced risk of fraud
External effects:
- Improved reputation
- Competitive advantage
- Compliance with laws and regulations
- Increased investment attractiveness
- Sustainable business practices