ISO 45001

ISO 45001:2018 sets out requirements for a management system for the working environment and provides guidance for its use, so that organizations can ensure safe and health-promoting workplaces by preventing work-related injury and impaired health and by proactively improving working environment performance.
ISO 45001:2018 can be applied to any organization that wishes to establish, implement and maintain a working environment management system to improve the working environment, eliminate hazards and minimize working environment risks (including weaknesses in the system), exploit working environment opportunities and manage deviations in the working environment management system related to the organisation's activities.
The standard helps an organization to achieve the intended results of the management system for the working environment. In accordance with the organisation's working environment policy, the intended results of a working environment management system include:
- continuous improvement of the working environment performance;
- compliance with statutory and other requirements;
- achievement of working environment goals.
ISO 45001 has been accepted as a Norwegian and European standard and published as ISO 45001:2023 version.
Internal Effects:
- safe workplace
- satisfied employees
- happy families
- lower "turnover"
- recruitment costs
- compliance with laws and regulations
- genuine involvement of the employees
- fewer incidents and interruptions
External effects:
- Attractive workplace
- Reputation
- Improved supplier score
Implementation of ISO 45001 can help achieve sustainability goals within;