Our process
1. Application/offer
Requesting quotations is non-binding and is easily done by e-mail, inquiry or telephone. Before commencing an audit process, it shall there is a legally binding agreement between the parties. This will normally be in the form of an accepted offer and terms from Scandinavian Certification AS.
Once an agreement has been established, you will be assigned an audit manager who will facilitate the process and agree on time, scope and methods. This ensures simple and clear communication. All information related to audits, audit reports and closing nonconformities is available to you through Scandinavian Certification AS's audit management software.
At the first certification, a stepwise process is carried out with two steps. Thereafter, annual follow-ups and main audits (recertification) are carried out every three years. An audit report is prepared after each audit.
2. Stage 1
An initial audit is carried out to map and assess the management system.Results from the step 1 audit focus on areas or issues that should be rectified before step 2, as these may lead to nonconformities in the main audit.
The objectives of the Step 1 audits are:
- Confirm that the scope of the management system, such as;
- organizational units, resources, processes, equipment, and operational indicators.
- established control of locations within the scope.
- relevant laws, regulations and other requirements that form the basis
- Review their understanding of the requirements specifically with regard to the identification of key performance indicators, significant aspects, processes, objectives and operation of the management system.
- Confirm that the management system meets the requirements for documentation.
- Confirm that internal audits and management reviews are being conducted, no later than before step 2 of the audit.
- Assess whether the management system has been implemented and is ready to implement step 2.
- Plan the step 2 audit.
3. Stage 2
Step 2 is the main audititself, and any non-fulfilment of requirements will be marked as nonconformities.
The objectives of a step 2 audit are:
- Confirm that the management system has been implemented and is functioning according to the standard's intention, by examining whether the management system;
- Meets all requirements of applicable standards
- Works to achieve the set goals
- Works to ensure compliance with relevant requirements
- Works to ensure efficient operational monitoring and control of processes
- Works to ensure implementation and follow-up of results from internal audits and management review
- Includes management's commitment and responsibility for established policies
- Provide the certification manager with a decision basis and recommendations regarding the award of a certificate.
4. Audit report and audit findings
After each completed audit, an audit report is issued in our digital reporting tool. Valid version is the version that is available digitally at any time.
The report will contain general information about the audit, the status of the management system and compliance with the requirements.
Lack of conformity are reported in two categories.
Non Conformity = Significant deficiency or the sum of several minor deficiencies that result in the management system not functioning according to the standard's intention.
- A deadline of up to 3 calendar months is given for closing nonconformities. In case of recertification and the certificate expires during the period, the deadline is set to the certificate expiration date minus 10 working days.
Areas for improvement = Other findings/remarks and observations that cannot be classified as nonconformities.
- 3 calendar months are given for the organization to provide feedback on areas for improvement.
5. Closing nonconformities and improvement items
In the event of identified nonconformities, it is necessary that you identify the underlying cause that led to the nonconformity and implement the necessary measures. It is important that the measures also prevent the nonconformity from recurring. Documentation is submitted via digital reporting tool.
- Based on the feedback, the audit manager will be able to close nonconformities. If necessary, the audit manager will be able to ask follow-up questions or consider other follow-up
- When all nonconformities have been accepted closed, or if nonconformities cannot be closed, the audit manager will inform the certification manager of the need for a decision.
6. Evaluation and decision
The certification manager evaluates the basis for issuing a certificate. This includes, among other things, contracts and agreements, audit execution, the competence of the audit team, audit documents such as report, nonconformity closure and the recommendations of the chief audit executive.
In case of a positive decision, a certificate is issued.
7. Issuance of certificate
In case of a positive decision of the certification manager, a certificate will be issued based on the agreement on the scope and standards. The certificates have a validity of 3 years from the date of the decision and require annual follow-up.
8. Annual follow-up
Once certification is granted, the real work of continuous improvement to maintain the certification begins. The first annual follow-up shall take place within 12 months from the award of the certificate. Thereafter annually.
The objectives of a follow-up audit are:
- Review any changes
- Follow up any deviations from previous revisions
- Confirm that the management system is still established and effective:
- achieves the set objectives
- Works to ensure compliance with relevant requirements
- Internal audits and management review are effective
- Complaints and inquiries from stakeholders are followed up
- Continuous operational control
- Confirm that the management system works to continuously improve performance.
- Verify that your organization is using certificates and logos according to the guidelines
9. Recertification every 3 years.
Follow-up audits are carried out every year and recertification every 3 years. The recertification, including closing any nonconformities, must be completed before the expiry of the previous certificate. When all conditions are sufficiently met, a new certificate is issued with a validity of 3 more years.
The objectives of a recertification audit are:
- Review any changes
- Follow up any deviations from previous audits and any recurring deviations in the previous certificate period
- Confirm that the management system is still established and effective:
- meets the requirements of relevant standards
- achieves the set objectives
- Works to ensure compliance with relevant requirements
- Internal audits and management review are effective
- Complaints and inquiries from stakeholders are followed up
- Continuous operational control and control
- Confirm management's commitment to continuous improvement and that the management system works to continually improve performance.
- Confirm that your organization is using certificates and logos according to the guidelines
- Provide the certification manager with a decision basis and recommendations regarding the award of a new certificate.
Complaints and appeals
A process in which a management system is to be evaluated against a specific set of criteria will in some cases result in forms of disagreement, and in some cases it may be necessary to express this in the form of a complaint or appeal.
Complaints about Scandinavian Certification AS's personnel or their procedure for audits should be sent to Scandinavian Certification AS, by the general manager. Feedback to the complainant shall be given that the complaint has been received. The general manager assesses the case and considers it and reports back to the complainant about the outcome of the complaint. If the complaint affects the general manager's impartiality, the complaint shall be considered by the management's representative or the board. Complaints against certified customers shall be handled accordingly. The enterprise covered by the complaint must be contacted and necessary information about the case obtained. In some contexts, it may be necessary to make an unannounced visit. All parties to the case shall be kept informed.
Applying for certification/certified party can appeal decisions related to award/not awarding certificates. An appeal can be made to Scandinavian Certification AS by the general manager. The general manager assesses the case and processes it and reports back to the customer about the outcome of the appeal. If the appeal case affects the impartiality of the general manager, the appeal shall be considered by the management's representative.